In the run up to Christmas I will be doing a few events around Cardiff. Here’s the list so far, and I think this is the complete list, but you never know!
Woohooo it’s 2017! I didn’t have anything massively awful happen to me in 2016, but I really didn’t have all that much good stuff happen either so quite happy to move on. It was just the year that never happened, the plans I had last Jan are still mostly unrealised and while I seemed to…
I’ve been remiss with the blog posts lately, but I am still here! I’m just over at for a little while. We now have an #etsymadelocal shop up and running and it’s all very exciting! And you might spot me on a few other blogs shortly too! Keep an eye out! Here’s a…
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Current lead times are within the week for last chance and ready to go pieces. 1 week for other silver items and 3 weeks for gold. Changes are happening, see my blog for details and check out the last chance section of my shop for big discounts. Dismiss