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Me and my new camera








So I’m still trying to get to grips with my new camera, sooooo many buttons, and I’ve been using the birds in the garden and the bunnies and piggies as subjects. So I thought I’d show you some of my pics.

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Friendly neighborhood pigeon, taken with the zoom lens from nice warm kitchen
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I have a hi speed continuous shooting function which is proving to be a lot of fun
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I love the fact that it allows me to take birds in mid flight. so cool!
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Flap flap! I can’t wait to see how well this works when I’m brave enough to actually go outside, but its been so cold!


I ordered myself a little indoor studio, which after a huge who ha with parcel force finally arrived this week and I set up yesterday. I wanted to get some really good pictures of Scooby and Tom as we have now found them a forever home which they’ll head off to next week. They’re the first animals we’ve fostered and I want to add them to our ever growing photo wall in the hall. So I set Scooby down on a nice white background, attached my portrait lens and got lots of pictures of his bum! While Tom stared at us from his open cage.

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Piggy bum!
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Lighting is awful but its a full piggy
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It was like he wanted nothing to do with my nice background!
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Tom just watched and ate his dinner

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Orla wasn’t up for it either! You just can’t get the staff!

But then Gráinne stepped in and saved the day, and I’m really happy with some of the shots I got of her. Yay Gráinne!

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