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Catch up on a manic month

I’ve been very quiet on here, but I’ve been very active everywhere else! It’s been go go go all month, professionally I had lots of deadlines and applications in for fun stuff I can hopefully share details with you for soon and branching out into more gold wedding rings, some of which are up on my etsy shop now, lots more to follow. In my personal life, I seem to have become a guinea pig match maker and  I feel like I’m finally getting somewhere with some of my writing projects. As well as all that I seem to have fallen back into working part time in the Geology lab in the museum for a few months, it’s a chance to get out of the house a little and when I said yes I was thinking hey this is my quiet time of the year jewellery wise! …Apparently! So it has been very manic, but all my hair is still attached and since I watched the Oscars last night I’m feeling all ready to take on the world!


Here’s a few pics of whats been happening over the month 🙂

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Amazing street art around the corner from our old flat on Partridge Rd Cardiff. …like seriously wow!
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Strange but really cool art installation in Queen Street arcade Cardiff.
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Orla bunny is on a diet, she is doing everything she can to beat me!
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Historic Photography exhibition on in the National Museum in Cardiff. Well worth a visit. This photo was taken down a mine with no flash! How did they manage it?

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Who knew Museum selfie day was a thing! Here we are all kitted out in the lab.


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