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Fun at the WI Centennial Fair



From the 3rd to the 6th of September I spent a few days with the Etsy UK gang at the WI centennial fair, and we had a blast! I was there to do a talk at 12 every day about just how amazing Etsy teams are, and CAVEtsy (Cardiff and Valleys Etsy Sellers) in particular 🙂 And I also had a little table full of my shiny bits and bobs!

So here’s a few pics to show you how it went.

2015-09-08 WI Fair 0262015-09-08 WI Fair 021

We were running the stand as Etsy business school and the first talk of the day was “What is Etsy” which even though I’ve been selling on Etsy for several years now was really interesting. ….No one seems to know what Etsy means though, and we never did come up with a good answer.


I was up next with “Join an Etsy Team” where I got to gush over how great teams are and how much they’ve helped me out and of course about my wonderful team CAVEtsy …check us out at


2015-09-08 WI Fair 0382015-09-08 WI Fair 041 DSC_1094

I had the camera so there are very few pics of me, but here I am! Gushing over Birds in Hats cards, and then looking a little crazy …..I think I do crazy eyes well!

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Alice from Birds in Hats kept me company, she was doing the ” How to set up a business talk” and we looked after eachothers stuff while the other was doing their talk.

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At 3 every afternoon, Susannah from EtsyUK and The North River gave an excellent talk on how to take photos, soooo important for selling online, and sometimes such a pain, but also a lot of fun. Personally I’m enjoying the challenge, I know a lot of people outsource the photography to escape meltdown though!

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While all the talks were going on we had the lovely Francesca and Ajeet talking to people one to one and getting people signed up to ….We also had the lovely Sarah from EtsyUK but she seems to have escaped my camera! Next time Sarah, next time!

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There should soon be a video of Emily getting interviewed by the WI about how great the event was. I nearly ended up being interviewed but as they started asking the questions realised that maybe I wasn’t who they were looking for as an official Etsy spokesperson 😉  so Emily jumped into my seat and nailed the interview!


I had a lot of fun! Really really great few days with some lovely people, some it was really nice to see again, others I met for the first time. It was pretty exhausting though! So happy (very serious) faces all round when it came time to tidy away.





3 thoughts on “Fun at the WI Centennial Fair

  1. […] -Sarah-Jane Egan CAVEtsy Team Captain, originally posted on […]

  2. […] I was at the WI Centennial Fair  flying the flag for CAVETSY I had the chance to get myself and the other team leaders a tote bag […]

  3. […] I was at the WI Centennial Fair  flying the flag for CAVETSY I had the chance to get myself and the other team leaders a tote bag […]

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