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Well I’m more than a little worse for wear from last night, got in at 3ish in the morning and then got rudely awakened by fighting bunnies at 7am. We had put the two cages together while we were out for the night and when we got home they seemed to be getting on well so we left them together. Yep not good, never ever ever leaving then sleeping together, it always seems to be at 7ish in the morning, and they are well violent when they get going! They’re a little wary of each other today and Gráinnes eyelid has a little cut. We’re prob gonna bring her to the vet tomorrow, but it’s Sunday so would only get emergency vet today and last time we did that the vet didn’t know bunnies at all, so we’ll try our normal vet tomorrow. Conan cut their giant claws as well and he’s clawed to bits now the poor boy. Orla’s claws were scary!
Since I’m a little fragile, and its nice and bright and shiny I’ve decided to take pics today of items I’m going to be listing soon, here’s a few taster pics.
Once I’m feeling a little better I’m going to continue work on a little bunny ring I’m making, yes I have a bunny problem but so what they’re cute! I’m trying to work on rings still, I have 3 prototypes in the mix and I’m waiting for wire to arrive that I ordered last weekend but the supplier was out of stock! Unimpressed I’m still waiting!
Watching some of the V highlights on TV, quite missing concerts! Interview tomorrow so fingers crossed, and think there needs to be some epic dancing next weekend!

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