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Lots in the pipeline

I’ve been very quiet on here lately, not because I’m lazy, but because i have a lot of projects in the pipeline, all very exciting!

One has been getting ready for the launch last week, of this lovely new website Magpie Colours which are stocking quite a bit of my Jewellery. This is a new start up from two very lovely women based in England and is well worth a check out, give them a bit of time and they’ll be mega!

I’m also working on some new designs and ideas and thankfully I haven’t burnt the apt down yet….some close calls! More to follow as it develops, all a little hush hush now 🙂


And of course I have been adding to my collection of constellation jewellery with some more random constellations, and as always if you have a favorite you’d like to see let me know!

Cancer cuff links
Draco Pendant

Orion earrings

2 thoughts on “Lots in the pipeline

  1. Oh wow! The constellation pieces are such a brilliant idea! Love that! Well done x

    1. Thanks 🙂 I thought the zodiac ones would do best but everyone loves Orion!

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