Hello again, long time no write but the last time I did I was Ms Sarah Egan and now I’m ….Ms Sarah Egan just with a shiny new ring, I made myself of course 🙂
We got married on the 1st of May and it was all lovely, I’ve got the photos back now so I’m sure I can share a few over the next few days. But getting married is not all I’ve been up to, the Cardiff and the Valleys etsy team has been going from strength to strength, Craft Party was great ….blog post to follow later in the week… and I’ve been running photomarathons and getting my garden going, so lots to share over the next few posts.
First up though here’s a few pictures from my recent visit back to Ireland. It was a flying visit and the first time I’d been back in about 16months which is insane! And I have to say Ireland is looking well and as if its bouncing back from the nasty nasty recession, which is great to see. We spent a couple of days with my parents and then headed to the wedding of Phil and Gemma on the Saturday which was absolutely amazing fun! I took so many photos but it doesn’t seem very fair to put someone elses wedding pics here so I’ll just share this one of me and the hubby.

While we were home we got to meet the adorable baby Ciaran who was the reason his mam and dad didn’t make our wedding, but is so cute that I think I’ll forgive him. And then we had a day and a bit back in Conans family house and went out for food in the delicious Happy Pear yum! It was a really good weekend! …We should however have checked the buses and trains would get us home from the airport though, in the end we took a bus a train and a taxi, but we did eventually make it home to a house that miraculously the bunnies hadn’t destroyed! I’m personally amazed!