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I’m sorry about the rain I didn’t mean it!

Silver Wedding rings

I’m sorry everyone! I think I jinxed the weather, it’s been a miserable extremely wet day after I was foolish enough to post on facebook yesterday

“It’s July now, but in fairness June was pretty damn rainy! Fingers crossed for a sunny July!” With a link to this treasury Rain in June by TJ on etsy.

I should really know better by now!

So despite the fact that I have a load of new stuff I wanted to photo today and share, I’ve spent most of the day on the computer trying to avoid doing my inventory which I started this morning!

And what better way to avoid it then showing you some sneak peaks of new designs that will be popping up on my etsy shop over the next few days; fortunatly I got a few mins of sunlight last week 😉

A Bangle with balls!

The first in a series of silhouette bracelets

And a new style of bunny ring.

And any cat lovers out there you might want to check out this puuuurfet Treasury Purrfect day by Cat Thomas on etsy.

And the more bohemian of you should check out Bohemian Summer by Michelle Thompson also on etsy.

1 thought on “I’m sorry about the rain I didn’t mean it!

  1. Love the bunny ring

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