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A look backstage

I’ve been asked more then a few times about where I work and what my space looks like, and I’ve just started a photography course in ffotogallery and need the practice with all the manual settings on my camera, so two birds one stone 🙂

Hope you like the pictures…

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This is my bench as clean as it gets 🙂 I love love love my magnetic tool holders! Life savers! Ive got them stuck though to my poor un-used kiln, which is still waiting for the shed to be built so I can fit it somewhere and use it 🙁 Some day soon hopefully. Also in this pic is my much loved saw which I use for pretty much everything and which I will shortly have a video of me using for you to watch.

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All over my bench are pieces of half finished jewellery, some like these were polished up and then found to have a scratch or some other flaw, they go in the pile to hopefully be fixed or failing that to be taken apart for parts can be used again or melted for scrap, thats whats happening to the rose cufflinks on the charcoal block.

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I make a lot of rings! I really like making rings, but sanding the edges down can be a really really tough job on your hands, so I have a section of my bench covered in different grits of sandpaper. It’s easy then to sand the ring edges perfectly flat, working my way up to a finer grit from left to right. And the paper is just stuck down with double sided tape so it’s easy to remove and put down fresh pieces.  Such an easy idea, but it’s saved me so so so many hours and sore fingers.

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And here’s just a little pic of me working away on some dinosaur cufflinks, video to follow shortly.


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