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Transition Caerphilly

Tonight was the second meeting of the Caerphilly Transition Group, and there was soup 🙂 2016-03-10 Transition meeting 014

For anyone not familiar with it the Transition movement is “a grassroot community project that seeks to build resilience in response to peak oil, climate destruction, and economic instability by creating local groups.” And Caerphilly has one now thanks to the lovely Lynn.

We’re only new, so we haven’t got much to brag about just yet, but world domination repairing is just around the corner. So if you’re interested in joining in let us know, and I hope you don’t mind worms!

Here’s some photos from the night, we met in the always lovely Old Library Coffee Shop next to Morgan Jones Park2016-03-10 Transition meeting 036

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And before I left  I spotted some lovely boxes from #CAVETSY member Joe Boxes 🙂  2016-03-10 Transition meeting 033

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