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Smiley happy me!

Oh life is good! Had a fun day working in the museum today, just filling in for someone for the day since it is midterm, great fun! I was running a workshop and it left me wrecked and no good for anything else so nothing got done once I got home, but the kids were fun.
Also since I spent that day or two on my SEO (search Engine Optimisation) ie how to get Google to notice me it seems to have paid off, my etsy stats are up and I’ve had a couple of sales, on folksy as well as Etsy, really need to spend more time and effort on Folksy! I mostly feel relieved that something I did paid off! Hopefully (fingers, toes, arms, legs everything is crossed) it continues! I’m going to do my best to make sure it does by getting lots and lots made and done over the next few days!
I have stuff to do tomorrow morning but I should be home by 3 and let the hammering begin! Will try get my sales posted first thing in the morning! Oooooh I love the sound of that get my saleS posted!
Finally don’t forget the competition guys! Send me your Halloween pictures best one wins this J
Now lets round up some bunnies for bed!

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