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I’ve disappered into my computer!

A very productive few days! I came across this blog post yesterday about how to increase your visibility on etsy and in google searches and I tried it on a few listings yesterday and got a sale within hours! So spent a good chunk of today putting it into action for the other items, not all done yet but getting there and my stats are much better for visits today! Woohoo! Feels good to be possibly making headway! Of course lots more work to be done.
No new creations to share today it was a computer day but did find some interesting things online that I want to share:
A documentary about how women are represented in media (don’t worry clip is only 7 mins long)
A cute and quirky etsy shop
And an article from the New York times about the poor ol Nautilus and how it’s shell is being used for jewellery amongst other things and it’s on the road to extinction

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