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New Listings, Bonfire Night and still time for competition entries!

It’s Friiiiiiiiday! Woohooo! And I have the house to myself this weekend so soooo much is going to get done! It has already started with a new listing up and more to follow over the weekend, here’s a sneak peak.

I am also going to leave the house a little, but only a little! Going to Caerphilly Castle for fireworks tomorrow for Bonfire night! Hopefully get some amazing pictures and guys remember the Halloween competition is still open untill next Friday to give you time to get Bonfire night pictures too and to wade through your photos and find the best ones!
This is going to be my first Bonfire night, I’ve been to bonfires of course, but they were on Halloween, me thinks I might do a little research into this Bonfire night thing and it’s history!
And of course facebook will apparently be getting shut down by Anonymous tomorrow! We’ll have to see if they pull it off.

And finally I have to share this I think it’s priceless! A museum cleaner cleaned away some modern art worth a fortune, and she’s far from the first!

Enjoy the fireworks if you’re in the UK, if you’re anywhere else well nananananana! 😉

2 thoughts on “New Listings, Bonfire Night and still time for competition entries!

  1. My word, what a talent you are! I’m constantly amazed at the coolness of what people can imagine & create. I’m a huge bunny fan of course, nature, animals, & though I’m stuck inside 4 walls through apps I can see the stars, moon, planets, etc. I’m a huge space geek, & I think you have a constellation piece. Gorgeous!

  2. Thanks hun 🙂 Yep trying to do a range on constellation stuff but keep selling the stuff as soon as I make it so it’s pretty much one piece up there at a time, but hey best complaint ever!

    Gotta love those bunnies, you seem in better form the last few posts, so hopefully it continues and you get outside soon 🙂

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