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Last Order Dates for Christmas.

We’re getting to that time of the year! Shockingly fast. So here’s my last order and posting dates for wherever you are in the world.

Africa, Middle East : Order today! Last post is tomorrow, I’ll make sure any orders today get sent in and white me at bench

Asia, Cyprus, Far East, Japan, Eastern Europe (ex. Poland, Czech Republic and Slovakia : Order by the 5th

Caribbean, Central & South America: Order by the 7th

Greece, Australia, New Zealand: Order by the 9th

Czech Republic, Germany, Italy, Poland: Order by the 12th

Canada, Finland, Sweden, USA: Order by the 13th

Austria, Iceland, Ireland, Portugal, Spain: Order by the 14th

France: Order by the 15th

Belgium, Denmark, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Slovakia, Switzerland: Order by the 16th

UK: Order by 18th

Depending on how busy I get I may have to push some of my last order dates back so please don’t wait until the last moment, the goalposts aren’t cemented into the ground!

I will continue to post orders out after your last posting date but I really can’t promise they will be there in time, if you really really want something, contact me and we may be able to arrange a courier.

And of course you can find my work in the Etsy Made Local Pop-Up in Cardiff  right up to and including Christmas Eve. As well as in one of my stockists.

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