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Etsy Advocacy, The World Trade Organisation, and me!

On Thursday I will be in Geneva speaking at the World Trade Organisation Public Forum as part of the Etsy Advocacy initiative. I’m going to be there alongside three other amazing businesswomen,

as well as Angela Steen Director of Etsy Advocacy.

We’re going to be telling our stories and discussing the value of and the issues effecting microbusinesses, which are often different to other larger businesses and forgotten about by policy makers. So I’m more then a little excited to get to make my case for and get some attention for us little businesses. Personally I think in the future microbusinesses will become more and more common and important for the global economy, so it’s about time people noticed us! And I think it’s great that Etsy have an advocacy programme and are initiating conversations like this. If you’re an Etsy seller make sure you’re signed up! 

And of course Geneva sounds pretty cool! I’m going to be flying Wed eve, keep an eye on my instagram stories for lots of pics and vids, and I’ll hopefully check in here next week to tell you all about it.

Anyone been to Geneva? Any tips, any advice/recommendations, I’ve got two free evenings to wander around and I know nothing!

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