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Enamel ordered! oooOOoOoh I’m excited!

OOOOOOOw! Very excited! I’ve ordered my enamels and tools! Next week this apartment will be transformed into a factory! Also ordered some more silver! Fun fun fun!

I have unfortunately been away from my bench the last while, mostly because of work but also because I’ve been putting a lot of energy into trying to market my shop without spending the little money I have! I’ve also been trying to set myself up with stalls at some upcoming craft markets, looks promising that I have one for November and one for December. Very very excited about that!

Really just can’t wait for next week, or even just tomorrow, I get off work just a little bit early and I intend to hammer, burn, melt, forge and saw like there’s no tomorrow, I need my fix!

Don’t forget to get cracking on those Halloween pics for the competition guys!

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