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Competition time, kinda :)

A few months back I made this commission piece for a rather lovely lady. The silhouette is of her daughter and I was really really happy with how it turned out.

Since then I have been thinking of offering a personalised silhouette pendant as an option on my shop. But I realise that unlike the very helpful customer I made this piece for, most people wouldn’t have a jpeg of a perfect silhouette ready to send me.

So that’s where you come in! I’m looking for people to send me pictures, photos, drawings of a loved ones profile/silhouette, and I will pick one at random to hopefully turn into a pretty pendant. Everybody wins! One lucky person gets a free pendant, and I get to see how feasible personalised profile pendants will be.

To enter simply send me your picture, preferably as a jpeg, with your name and address, under the subject “Personalised silhouette competition” to

Entries close Friday 22nd August @ 5pm GMT


Not so small print:

The winners image and finished pendant may be used in a future listing on my shop, please don’t send any picture you are not comfortable with me sharing.

A review from the winner and a photo of you wearing the pendant would be very very much appreciated! Again these may be used on my website.

…as a just in case, if we just can’t make it work, the lucky winner gets their choice of my existing silhouette pendants 🙂

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