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Baby is nearly here!

I’m now 37 weeks pregnant, and everything is going well, but I’m exhausted, so I’ve shut up shop and once I have shipped my outstanding orders I will be taking a few months maternity leave.

I don’t know exactly when I will be back to work, so much depends on baby and its personality as well as of course finances, but I will probably be closed until at least May. 

My husband Conan will be taking over general admin and replying to emails going forward but please don’t expect the normal speedy replies as he will only be checking in every few days. 

So that’s it really! Keep an eye on my social media, I’m sure I wont be able to resist sharing a few baby photos when they finally make their appearance and look after yourself everyone!



Also for anyone in the South Wales area looking for photos with their bump. I 110% recommend the amazing Charis Talbot, I’m delighted with the photos and had an absolutely lovely time with her too! …and I usually hate having my photo taken!!!!


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