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New house!!!!!

I bought a house! Or well myself and the boy did 🙂 an actual house! We have the keys about 2 weeks now and have been trying to get some painting done before we move in; it just seemed easier while the place is empty. But we should be moving in next week, squeeeee! And it’s got a garden! Which if you’ve been following me on facebook you will have seen comes with at least 5 cats! Not sure how the bunnies are going to feel about that!

Lots of cats in the garden!

DSC_0132After living for 4+years in our very nice but very very magnolia rented flat, we’re very very excited to make sure that our currently very very magnolia house does not stay that way, purple beats magnolia any day!
Although it did take a lot of coats to cover those walls!












And I’m very very excited to have a properly set up work room with tool racks stuck to the wall etc so I don’t spend half my day looking for that pliers I just put down….my shears has been missing since at least Wednesday and I really do need to find it!



Currently though I’m sitting in an apartment covered in boxes, looking forward to a fun weekend and the final push to get decorated and moved in early next week. I can’t wait!  Have a great weekend guys!


PS: Thanks to everyone over on facebook that helped me identify the strange spikey plant I have everywhere as horsetail. Much appreciated!

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