Saturday the 6th of June was this years photomarathon, and myself and the boy gave it another go. Just like last year it was great fun!
The format is simple, at 10am register and collect the first 4 topics at the millennium centre in Cardiff Bay, at 2pm collect the next 4 and then at 6pm collect the last 4, either from the millennium centre or waterloo tea in Cardiff city centre. Then get back to the Millennium centre any time after 7.30 and before 10pm, give them your photos and get your certificate!
Sounds easy but the photo topics all have to be taken in order and its harder then it sounds to come up with an idea, get the photo taken and think of the next one. Unlike last year we didn’t go whitewater rafting in the middle of the day, phew! The entire day was devoted to the marathon and we just about got back to the millennium centre on time! And exhausted! So I’m none too happy with my last few pics, but desperation had set in at that stage!
The winners are announced this weekend and all the photos can be seen in Capitol shopping centre from 27th June to the 11th of July, so try and drop by 🙂
Here’s my entries this year with the topics under them…..
My Entry number
I think I may have to start training now for next year! I could have slept for a week by the time we were done!