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New listings, distracting bunnies and I love Plumbers!

Oh I’m busy! Craft fair in Redland Green school in Bristol this Saturday! Another the following week in Ten Feet Tall in Cardiff! And Christmas orders through etsy and folksy! Long may it last!
I also found time today to take photos and put up some new listings, despite Orla’s best attempts at distracting me and demanding attention! Silly bun!
Hmmm a box, what shall I do

Death to the box!

Hey you, pay more attention to me! I’m adorable!
Tomorrow is a day for making (between Yoga and Tai Chi!) I have a trip to the post office first thing and then to my bench and hopefully fingers crossed! Enamelling! We now have a fully functional kitchen sink, plus an all improved non leaking bathroom sink with tamps that fully turn off! Plumbers rock!
Don’t forget last posting dates are coming up! Check out the last dates from the UK to you here!

1 thought on “New listings, distracting bunnies and I love Plumbers!

  1. hi, i just found you from Etsy, love your jewellery. The bunny is quite cute too 🙂

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