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How are you coping?

Hope you guys are all coping better with the heat then I am! I’m keeping an ice cold foot bath handy and using it throughout the day, does a great job but wow the heat is something else. I do love the nice long coolish evenings though, they almost make it worth it.

Orla bunny has taken to getting up in the morning and heading straight to the corner under my computer desk where she can lie on the coldish floor and never see the sun. Gráinne tends to just get back into the shaded downstairs of her cage, after her morning circuit to check everything is where it should be and to re chin everything; just in case some other bunny came in overnight and claimed everywhere!

I have been trying to resist the urge to just keep up with orders and then flake out on the sofa and siesta all day. But I have managed to resit (mostly) so I have a few new items and more on the way! As well as getting a lot of my computer admin work done when it’s just too warm for gloves and blowtorches. I even have my taxes filed and they’re not due till January! Go me!

So I think I’ll leave you with a few new pics and go put my feet back in the foot bath!

Hope you’re coping better then me! Any tips?

2 thoughts on “How are you coping?

  1. Argh it is hot isn’t it! My buns have been suffering too! I gave them each a ice pack the other day as someone suggested it, and all but one regarded it as something to first try to destroy and then to ignore with suspicion!!

  2. Ye I tried to give them frozen water bottles to lie beside they just looked at them suspiciously and walked away.

    It’s not too bad here today, but it’s still early!

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