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Craft in the Bay – Pinnies from Heaven

No stitching involved by Mandy Nash.Very cool! I would wear this as a dress.

On my trip out to Cardiff Bay last week to see the epic megalosaurus jaw and mummified dodo head I also got to finally check out the current exhibition in Craft in the Bay, Pinnies from Heaven.















And I’m really glad I did, it’s quite impressive. As the name suggests it’s a collection of pinnies or aprons some of which are amazing! Check out the collar on this one!

This one was titled fit for a queen and just screams Elizabeth the first! Again I’m rubbish and can’t remember the makers name. ooops


And a little info section with pinnies through the ages at the end. Although I really really am hoping they meant to say some scholars used to believe Adam and Eve left the garden of Eden about 6000 years ago!  adam and eve




I really really want this one! It was so cute! Unfortunately not a great pic and I can’t remember the makers name 🙁

And since I absolutely loooove learning new random facts this little tidbit made my day!


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