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Last Posting Dates for Christmas

Well believe it or not we’re getting to that time, and in the rush this week I’ve already missed the last posting dates to Asia, Far East (including Japan), New Zealand and Australia and today is the last posting date for Africa, Caribbean, Central & South America, Middle East!

Anyone in Cyprus or Eastern Europe needs to get orders in today or tomorrow for Mondays last posting date and Tuesday is the last date for Canada, France, Greece, Poland so get those orders in over the weekend too!

The US has until next Friday so any orders will have to be in on Wed to make sure we get there and Western Europe (excluding France, Greece, Poland) last posting date is Sat the 14th, so again please order by Wed or Thurs for those.

That just leaves the UK then! You guys have until Friday the 20th but really I’m going to need the orders in for the 18th. So get ordering!

The last posting dates can be seen here to allow me time to get your order made and packaged allow two days please.

Happy Holidays!

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